MVC/Web API various

Async/await in .NET4.5

Resource bundling


Web API 2

.NET Core

OWIN and Katana


7 Responses to MVC/Web API various

  1. can you please please please define the scenario that how mvc project sends token or be authenticated from web api

  2. Naveen says:

    Hi andras names, Please post vedios of above mvc and web api articles waiting for your vedios….Please consider my request. Please consider my request….prepare vedios web api with mvc

  3. Pingback: Owin & Katana | tuandom's Blog

  4. neemoilblog says:

    Thank you for the wonderful posts. I have learned a lot from them.

    A request, please show us how we can convert the key of User to GUID in MVC 5. I know a lot of interfaces have to be updated, I managed most of it but lost some functionality, i.e. the part where UserManager sends a token to update password, that for some reason stopped working. Moreover, there is no exhaustive guide as to which Interfaces have to be updated, they keep popping up as one hits errors.

    Another thing that is hard to understand is that in MVC 5, UserManager uses a GUID string as an ID but not a GUID itself, even though it is said GUID is faster. This has forced me to implement a key of string in my database for the other files. I tried a mix, but it was too complicated writing generics in the DAL when there was a mix of GUID and string. Many people have asked why Microsoft has chosen string over GUID on StackOverflow? No proper answer has. Can you please clear the mystery of GUID and string keys?

    Once again, thank you for being so kind with your knowledge.

  5. Pingback: Microservices en 10 min: références | Blog .NET

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