Examining the method body using Reflection in .NET C#

In this short post we saw how to extract the members of a class: constructors, properties, methods etc. Even more exciting is the fact that you can peek into the body of a method. Well, not the plain text C# or VB code, but the Intermediate Language – MSIL version of it.

The MethodBody object represents, as the name suggests, the body of a method including the local variables and the MSIL instructions. MethodBody is available on classes that derive from the MethodBase class, which are methods and constructors – MethodInfo and ConstructorInfo.

Consider the following Customer class:

public class Customer
	private string _name;

	public Customer(string name)
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentNullException("Customer name!");
		_name = name;

	public string Name
			return _name;
	public string Address { get; set; }
	public int SomeValue { get; set; }

	public int ImportantCalculation()
		int variable = 2;
		string stringVar = string.Empty;
		if (variable == 2)
			stringVar = "two";
			stringVar = "hello";

		return 1000;

	public void ImportantVoidMethod()
		bool ok = false;
		SomeEnumeration enumeration = SomeEnumeration.ValueOne;
		switch (enumeration)
			case SomeEnumeration.ValueOne:
				ok = true;
			case SomeEnumeration.ValueTwo:
				ok = false;
				ok = false;

	public enum SomeEnumeration
		ValueOne = 1
		, ValueTwo = 2

	public class SomeNestedClass
		private string _someString;

The following code shows you how you can extract the methods and inspect them:

Type customerType = typeof(Customer);

Console.WriteLine("Customer methods: ");
MethodInfo[] methods = customerType.GetMethods();

foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods)
	MethodBody methodBody = mi.GetMethodBody();
	if (methodBody != null)
		byte[] ilCode = methodBody.GetILAsByteArray();
		int maxStackSize = methodBody.MaxStackSize;
		IList<LocalVariableInfo> localVariables = methodBody.LocalVariables;
		Console.WriteLine("Max stack size: {0}", maxStackSize);

		Console.WriteLine("Local variables if any:");
		foreach (LocalVariableInfo lvi in localVariables)
			Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, index: {1}.", lvi.LocalType, lvi.LocalIndex);

		Console.WriteLine("IL code:");
		StringBuilder stringifiedIlCode = new StringBuilder();
		foreach (byte b in ilCode)
			stringifiedIlCode.Append(string.Format("{0:x2} ", b));


The MethodInfo array will include the properties that are turned into methods, e.g. Name will become get_Name, and also the methods inherited from Object such as ToString(). Here’s the output for ImportantVoidMethod and ImportantCalculation:

MethodBody example code output

The LocalVariableInfo doesn’t contain the name of the variable because the metadata about a type doesn’t keep the variable name, only its order.

View all posts on Reflection here.

About Andras Nemes
I'm a .NET/Java developer living and working in Stockholm, Sweden.

One Response to Examining the method body using Reflection in .NET C#

  1. Diego Garber says:

    so………. how do you get the value? the name you can get it from the MethodInfo.GetParameters.
    Without the values, sadly, this is not useful

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