Convert a dynamic type to a concrete object in .NET C#

Dynamic objects in C# let us work with objects without compile time error checking in .NET. They are instead checked during execution. As a consequence we can’t use IntelliSense while writing the code to see what properties and functions an object has.

Consider the following Dog class:

public class Dog
	public string Name { get; }
	public string Type { get;}
	public int Age { get; }

	public Dog(string name, string type, int age)
		Name = name;
		Type = type;
		Age = age;

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A basic example of using the ExpandoObject for dynamic types in .NET C#

The ExpandoObject in the System.Dynamic namespace is an interesting option if you ever need to write dynamic objects in C#. Dynamic objects are ones that are not statically typed and whose properties and methods can be defined during runtime. I’ve come across this object while I was discovering the dynamic language runtime (DLR) features in .NET. We’ve seen an example of that in this post with the “dynamic” keyword.

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An example of using the dynamic keyword in C# .NET

The dynamic keyword in C# is similar to Reflection. It helps you deal with cases where you’re not sure of the concrete type of an object. However, you may expect the object to have a certain method that you can invoke at runtime. E.g. you have a framework that external users can write plugins for. You may set up a list of rules for the plugin to be valid, e.g. it must have a method called “Execute” and a property called “Visible”.

There are various ways you can solve this problem and one of them is dynamic objects. Using the dynamic keyword will turn off the automatic type checking when C# code is compiled. The validity of the code will only be checked at runtime.

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An example of using the dynamic keyword in C# .NET

The dynamic keyword in C# is similar to Reflection. It helps you deal with cases where you’re not sure of the concrete type of an object. However, you may expect the object to have a certain method that you can invoke at runtime. E.g. you have a framework that external users can write plugins for. You may set up a list of rules for the plugin to be valid, e.g. it must have a method called “Execute” and a property called “Visible”.

There are various ways you can solve this problem and one of them is dynamic objects. Using the dynamic keyword will turn off the automatic type checking when C# code is compiled. The validity of the code will only be checked at runtime.

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